Wednesday, 31 March 2010

To Understand is to Transform

we talk all day about changes, about process improvements , about new market standards. Almost every day there is an innovative idea concerning our business processes that seems appealing. Almost every day there are new proposals concerning all levels of the company. How in the world can a manager decide which proposal to embody, which new methods to apply. Sometimes we think of success as a lucky guess made by some people. Well i have to admit that you need luck and a number of other significant amendments to succeed. But you surely need a perfect understanding of the current situation in a company's processes, you need to commit to the company's vision and follow the strategic intense.. when there is a good understanding of the company in overall, then there is the perfect timing to transform what needs transformation, to change what needs to be changed, to adopt to the new standards.
As far as change is concerned, the key is a good understanding of the general company view and a good modeling of all specialist views(organization view, products/service view, function view, data view). Without the understanding, success seems impossible!!
the real issues arise when we should start thinking of the time needed to achieve a good understanding... Most of the times we need months of analysis, a lot of meetings, and a lot of time from all managers.. and realy often, the pressure to change is so necessary that we skip steps and just rely on our insticts..
That's the reason why companies realy need to embody Business process management lifecycle in their business. When BPM starts to be executed in an organisation, it preserves significant information so as to be available for the next improvement cycle. As it is, we gain a lot of time of analysis for future improvement projects.. When BPM realy works, companies have the chance to become Business leaders..
The first and most important bet for the managers to win is to change the company's culture so as to adapt easily to quick changes..

Giannis Giataganas
IT related

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